Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Well, it's upon us.  Summer's coming.  Today's June 1st.  The heat is slithering into our neighborhood through open doors and cracked windows like a snake who is emerging from Brumation during winter.  Brumation?  I just looked it up.  I don't teach science, or English, for that matter.  I teach art, but Brumation is the slowing down of cold-blooded animals' metabolism, so they stay warm during winter.  I used to dread this time of year in Tucson because I know I'd be seeing snakes again.  Here, it's mostly scorpions I dread.  Maybe because I know what a scorpion sting feels like  Ugh.  Never want to feel that again.  

Anyway, it's hot.  Mid-90's.  I have plenty of time to design patterns after the cooler morning air is gone.  On the weekends I walk by 6:30 am to allow myself to spend a good portion of the day working at my computer designing patterns with Adobe Illustrator.    Soon, I'll add weekday mornings to my regime.  I'm teaching myself, with the help of Bonnie Christine and Elizabeth Olwen, two successful surface pattern designers who teach classes online through Skillshare, to become a surface pattern designer, myself.

I've always drawn, so drawing and digitally creating patterns is a natural transition for me.  And it's fun!  Well, not the same kind of fun like laughing at a humorous comedian or movie, or line dancing, or playing with my dog.  This is different.  It's enjoyable and addictive work.  I don't have any other addictive behaviors at all.  I don't like to shop very much.  I might have a glass of wine once a week.  I don't gamble, even here in Vegas.  But, I can spend literally hours deciding which patterns look good together.  What do "they" say?  If you can do what you love, you'll never "work" a day in your life!  I'm still learning the Illustrator program.  So while it's much easier for me to create patterns than two years ago when I started, it's still an on-going learning curve around which I'm steering, but it's always enjoyable.  Until, that is, I have a hiccup with the technology...but that's usually short-lived. 

I have a little over two more weeks remaining of teacher duties at school.  This week is the last full week of classes, even though the kids have mentally "checked out".  The end of the year art exhibit has been displayed, and the 2016-2017 school year is almost in the books.

Here is a sneak peak at what I've been doing as an artist.   Over the course of two years I've designed probably close to 1000 patterns, but around 160 of them are worth pursuing as surface pattern designs.  Some of you saw the beginning of this group in a recent Facebook post.  

The working title is "Stencils", but I need to come up with something more meaningful, as it's a special one for me.  I created this after being very inspired hearing Kyle Cease on a Lewis Howes' "The School of Greatness" podcast.  Wow, did he ever get me out of my head and into my heart!   One day, a few weeks ago, after listening to his podcast the night before, while the students worked on their projects, I meditatively painted these little flowers and leaves with a school-grade watercolor set we had in the classroom.  I was very happy and at peace that day.  Nothing and no one bothered me.  It was as if God, (or Love, or The Universe, whichever works for you) was coming through me to the paper.  Effortless.  Here is a scan of the first little painting, and another set of small illustrations I painted the next day.  Following that is the surface pattern collection in aqua that developed from it.  

It's monochromatic, with only bits of green here and there, but I love how it's peaceful.  Very much like I felt when I created the base design for it.  I recolored it in peach and lilac, too. The scales may have to be adjusted depending on what they'll be used for, but you get the general idea....Until next post, stay cool!