Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving -

I'm home by myself...and that's a nice thing, really.  More time to be artistic.  Later I can eat with my sister and John, and I'm thankful for that.

I'm constructing my website and getting close to putting this all together for the pursuit of a career in pattern design.  I'm still teaching junior high and high school kids how to draw, but on my days off, like today, I'm focused on my goal.

Here are a few new designs that I finished last week.  These are from my collection called Scandinavia.  Please check out more of my patterns on

 Color: Fjord, Name: Helga

Color: Fjord, Name: Sonia

Color: Heather, Name: Birgitta
Color: Heather, Name: Uma

Color: Nordic, Name: Ingrid

                          Color: Nordic, Name: Elsa